Despite all of the sadness and tragedy in the world today it is still the case that the world is perfectible and that there is such a thing as Heaven on Earth potentially. Our purpose here on Earth is to create Heaven on Earth. While that may seem truly impossible the fact is that the one thing necessary to bring about Heaven on Earth is far simpler than the Myriad of technological Miracles that the human race has already created. Far less complicated than our machines is the simple concept of Love and sharing and taking each other's well-being into our own concern with our personal well-being. This may seem impossible but it's actually very possible. Many people love each other and take each other's well-being into concern with their own well-being. It has been done since the dawn of time in certain instances. If we could embrace this concept globally we could have Peace on Earth and Heaven on Earth and our miraculous inventions could become our friends instead of our enemies which is what they are without our truly loving each other.
My definition of a perfect world or Heaven on Earth is this... A world where love is the rule we all live by, where we take each other's well-being into concern with our own well-being, so that we all agree that no one is completely happy while anyone else is unhappy or suffering. In that world we will be achieving the greatest possible technological advancements based on the fact that ‘love is the ultimate efficiency formula’ and we would not be wasting time and energy fighting with each other and defending ourselves from each other. In this world of mutual love I believe that even our mortality would come to seem something more like a beautiful melancholy rather than a frightening tragedy. From this position of peace, with greater technological accomplishments stemming from peace, I hope that we might actually come to a higher consciousness as a planet and be able to comprehend a spiritual nature to our being. That is my definition of a perfect world. Here are the rules we must follow to move towards a perfect world...
From everything we have observed from the start of human history,
the universe is apparently infinite in three capacities...
Space, Matter and Complexity of Design
I observe that the universe is truly infinite in space (or size) extending infinitely on past the bloom of matter created by the 'big bang', which we call the 'known universe'. It seems obvious to me that what we have observed in the 'known universe' would likely continue into unknown areas. AND it is obviously preposterous for us to assume that the entirety of the 'real universe' ends like a wall at the point that our telescopes and technology reach their limits. There must be other 'big bangs' out there beyond our ability to detect them. It is logical to say that what exists here must exist in other places. Infinitely.
This infinite space also appears to contain an endless amount of matter, which by law equates to infinite energy.
We also continue to discover ever more complex elements of material design in the structure of matter and the rules governing it in this infinite space.
I say that these three elements of infinity,
Space, Matter and Complexity of Design, combine to create a truly ‘godlike’ nature for the universe, scientifically speaking.
This does not mean that 'anything' can be accomplished here, but it does prove that an infinite number of things can be done.
Should we not assume then, that potentially, any goal may be accomplished and any problem overcome, by one means or another?
I think so- and therefore, to me optimism is logical in this reality of infinite potential.
Love is the ultimate efficiency formula,
because when we take each other's well being into consideration with our own, then there are fewer collisions of interest which lead to conflict and wasted energy on everyone’s part. These clashes are always sadly counterproductive and stall and stunt our progress.
Until we embrace Love as our core personal and social philosophy then we are forced to greet the birth of every new technological advancement with dread, knowing full well that despite the potential for good, it will be used for selfish and hateful purposes as well.
Love gives us peace and in turn prosperity through efficiency. In an angry world, even The Rich are in danger, while in a peaceful world even The Poorest can have a good and happy life.
Our technological achievements to date are like miracles to those who lived centuries before us and yet the one thing which has always been most important to us for our ultimate happiness is still out of reach, even though it is the simplest thing of all and has always been within our grasp... Love.
This is the most common and ancient form of rule for social interaction, to define and defend the sanctity of the body. The consequences for society invading the sanctity of the body of a person are great as it turns that person into an enemy to all.
'Do not invade the space my body is in'. For rules of social behavior, it is the most common of common sense.
All people and even animals, naturally recognize this 'natural law'.
But governments and bureaucracies can easily trespass this natural boundary in the name of what is 'good' for the individual and society. It is not good for either to cross this line with social law, because that only leads to corrupt and unenforceable laws that hollow out a society from within. Rules and laws which violate the body of individuals are insidious and will only and always sicken a society until they are righted and erased.
If one believes in God, as I do, then one must understand that some laws are for God and some are for man to enforce. There are many ways in which a person may be irresponsible in the eyes of God, whether in destroying themselves through diet or drug abuse or being irresponsible in the care of a child in the womb...but these laws are for God and not human kind to enforce. Even if a woman destroys the life within her womb, that is between her and God.
True democracy, with full and fair access for all to representation on the ballot and to each person one vote and to a true tally of the votes cast, with freedom of speech; this is the ultimate social representation of the rule of Love. Let all voices be heard. Democracy is nature that takes nurture. We should always remember that Democracy is there, as the highest path for society, but it must occur from within to be valid.
People and animals naturally understand the need for simple personal hygiene. As society and technology advances, we should still follow this rule, not to ruin things in our environment.
If we work within our natural system, with our access to the infinite avenues of potential progress, we can find ways to make the things we need, without damaging our environment and our health.
We should never cease to strive for this goal.
This one is a tough sell, but I’ll give it a try.
A happy and consensual, monogamous sexual relationship is the greatest thing on earth. It makes two people one and it gives them the strength of ten. It is a daily reaffirmation of life. It is a spiritual bond in the flesh. To dally with that is disheartening.
It may be fun to be casually sexual, but it leads to sadness, as each chapter ends, because it brings on thoughts of the real bond of love not existing. The natural proclivity towards the spread of sexually transmitted diseases through careless sex is a sad, added incentive, for us to embrace Monogamy. Nothing taxes the mortal soul like confusion in intimate relationships, while even more sexual pleasure can be found through Monogamy.
It is unhealthy for us to eat flesh, that is a scientific fact. Children and adults cringe in horror at the sight of animals being slaughtered.
It gives us heart attacks to eat it, but we do because it tastes good? It doesn't make sense.
That said, we can only do the best we can, but the better we do, the better off we are. I am not capable of watching for every ant on the ground as I go about my day, but if I see one, I don't step on it and I am better for it.
I Believe we can achieve any good thing we can imagine.
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